Name: Tao
Gender: Male
Breed: Crystalglint
Parentage: Wild
Birth Rookery: Wild
Notes: A wild Crystalglint who left his birth Rookery when he was old enough to do so. Lacking siblings, and not having a strong bond with his parents, he set out to make ties with others and see the world on his own. During his journey he ran across a Token about to be eaten by an Aggressor Demon, and stepped in to save her life. The two have been inseparable ever since, and have something like a sibling bond.

As a Crystalglint he has the ability to breathe out glistening violet-blue fire that coats anything it touches in a layer of diamond. It can be used to "freeze" those it touches, or to create a strong barrier between himself and potential danger. It solidifies in seconds, and is just as strong as real diamond. It'll take a lot of power to cut or damage it, but a Crystalglint is able to pierce through diamond with their teeth or break it with their physical strength. Crystalglints have incredibly strong bones, and it's believed that their bones are actually made of diamond.

If he's ever wounded, his wounds will seal over with a crystalline shell that covers the wound and accelerates it's healing. When the wound is healed, the crystal shell flakes off.