Name: Tsenako
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild
Birth Dream: Wild
Powers: Soul-reading, Perfect Nightvison & Sonar Sight, True Sight, Dragon Form.
Notes: A pureblood Varishi with a curiosity towards the dark crawlers of the night, she's never been one to flee in terror from anything. Fear is something she's never felt. Her wings have a curious bone-like appearance to them, but are fully flesh and blood. One of her wings is a permanent home to a rather stubborn Crawler that has decided she's a good place for a web. Unfortunately the web the Crawler makes is often broken whenever the Varishi moves, and especially when she flies, but the Crawler just keeps spinning the web anew and refuses to leave.

As a Varishi she has the power to shift to a Dragon Form. Her much larger Dragon Form is a fiery orange scaled dragon about the height of a 30ft tree, and she has crocodile-like snout. She can't fly in her Dragon Form, as her wings shift into spikes along her back. While in this form she is larger, stronger, and harder to wound. But it's also harder to move around, as the world isn't really made for the large bodies of Dragons anymore.