Name: Uisgrre
Gender: Male
Parentage: None
Birth Trove: None
Powers: Mage-reading, Aeromancy, Hydromancy, Underwater Breathing, Nature Spirit Sight, Teleportation, True Sight (Can see through illusions and lies), Aura Sight (Can see an individual's morality), Illusion Creation and Manipulation, Immunity to Hypnosis/Psychic/Empathy Manipulation and Thralls.
Notes: Once, he was something else - something formless, but alive. His memories of his time in intangibility are fading, growing ever more murky with each passing day. He knows he used to be something else, and that he chose to be what he is now, but he can't remember the why's or hows.

He has unblinking stone eyes; a mark that he knows marks him as his true kind, and will mark others of his former kind in much the same way. While he's technically a "pure" Token, he has many traits that will mark him as decidedly Not. For one, he doesn't wear a mask - a trait which no Token has, because their masks are part of them and can't be removed. He's got antlers made of water, and parts of his back are made of shifting watery-waves. His face has a marking like a skull, and his lower jaw is made of gold.

Claiming to be a pure Token would be laughable. He'd never be able to pull off the lie, so it is safest instead to claim to be a hybrid. Half-something else. Half something unknowable.

He is compatible with Tokens, and Token-compatible species.