Name: Damhuun
Gender: Male
Element: Purgatory
Dimension: Inner
Eclipse: Memories
Parentage: Magdala x Xuubalba (previous life)
Birth Pride: Hollow Way (previous life)
Powers: Soul-reading, Spiritual Mind (thoughts can only be read by Soul-readers), Unlimited Telekinesis, Can Freely Shift Between Corporeal/Incorporeal, Spirit Sight (can see the souls of the dead), Nature Spirit Sight (can see Nature Spirits), Spirit Communication (can talk to the ghosts of the dead), Immune to Life Siphoning Powers and Abilities, Immunity to Instant Kills, Immunity to Curses, Immunity to Corruption and Purification, Immunity to Morality Alterations. Resurrects upon death (body reforms if destroyed). Can only be Perma-killed by a Death Mage, or if he's struck down by someone while physically in the Realm of the Dead.
Notes: Damhuun was brutally killed by his own WoR magics, during an ordinary day when he visited the Thunder Plateau. There was no warning that the day would be any different than any before it, no reason to be on guard or wary. He saw something - someone - who caught his eye and sent him into a spiral of memories and questioning his reality. He glimpsed someone with a wavering form that was criss-crossed with reds and purples, whose face was obscured by slashes of blue energy.

Suddenly he wasn't in the Thunder Plateau. His mind threw him into the clutches of his past, and he couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what was not. Alarmed, Slayers had tried to get him to calm down, but he couldn't see who they were - they were all Memories to him. Memories that were coming to attack! He struck out at them in defence, yelling at them to leave him alone.

His chaos magics began to spread over his body, tearing the Plateau around him apart as he let his confusion and fear consume him. Nothing was real! He was in the Memories! He'd never left!

The Slayers fought back, trying to subdue him by force, which to him looked like the Memories coming to kill him. He fought back, each assault ruled by fear. As his magics grew more and more out of control one of the Plateau Sweepers stepped in, a green Faelanx, and raised a shield around him and his magics - seeking to contain and trap him.

But his magics were out of his own control, and they kept growing more wild. Even though they were contained, they could still hurt - just the target was now solely himself. With a rush of agony and fear he let out a haunting blast of chaos magics that rebounded off the shield and hit him full-force. His body was torn apart and obliterated by the blast.

Days later he came back to himself, wandering alone in a dusty, dead, field. He has no memories of how he got there, but he knows he died. He knows that day in the Plateau his magics took his life, and the life of his IriKan... for the first time in his existence, Damhuun was alone. His IriKan was dead and gone, and the area it used to dwell in his mind was empty. On his chest his WoR mark was now a burned, blistered, mark that can never fully heal. It always hurts.

He has a vague memory of being in darkness after death. Of something skeletal reaching out and pulling him back from the afterlife. But whether the memory is real or not, he can't be sure.

His Element has changed. His colouring has changed. He's a Purgatory Kat now. A type of undead Element that belongs to the Realm of the Dead, and is no longer watched over by Orcle's Order. Cursed to remember his previous life, and the way he died... the way he killed himself and his IriKan (his friend). He no longer looks like his previous self - not really. He still has his markings, his memories, his voice... but he's a different Element, and those who knew him before might not recognize him (he'd hardly recognize himself anymore).

Those who can sense ghosts and dead things will feel odd in his presence. Their senses will tell them there's a ghost nearby.


Born under the Eclipse, he is a Whisper of Rekura. His Elemental Mutation manifests in the chaos magics that spark, burn, and form around his tail and right leg. These magics are chaotic spell-marks that shift and rise of their own accord. The fire burns bright and deadly, burning and scarring any that touch it. Chaos energy lights up in flares of violet-light and white sigils, casting spells that range from harmless to unfortunate and are never under his control. The magic itself is chaotic and unrestrained, and he cannot control what it does. When he tries to use the power the outcome is not always in his favour - he can end up casting a healing spell on an enemy, or maiming himself with bladed winds. It's chaos, and chaos has no master.

When overcome with emotion - grief, anger, joy - the magic burns brighter and the void of black spreads further over his form. It can overtake his form completely, and the magic of his curse will temporarily consume him. In this state he has no control over anything, and the world around him will be warped and changed by the unleashed chaos. It's important that he maintain control over his emotions, and his IriKan has tried it's best to help him. They once lost control in the memory world and cause the magic-marks of that world to be infused with greater magic that frighteningly shifted the world to being alive for one single instant. The memories were no longer memory, he was in their world, in their time, he could alter it - be altered by it - he was lost - he was dangerous - they had seen - he was back. They were memory once again.

~We can't do that again,~ his IriKan had said, just as frightened and shaken as he. ~We'll become just like them if we do.~

Staying apart from the memories, from their emotions and lives, became important. He couldn't risk becoming attached to them and grieving over their loss.

IriKan Info
Manifestation: Keen-eyed Bat
Power: Deafening Shriek (deafens and dazes all in an area), Chaos Shield (creates a shield against harm, while causing great harm to those outside it), Flight.
Notes: IriKan are fully sentient but only able to telepathically communicate with their bonded WoRs. They cannot speak to others, even though they can understand what is being said to them. IriKan cannot be harmed except by other IriKan, Divine Beings, or a Godblade. They can channel their own abilities through their bonded, allowing the WoR access to what the IriKan can do.