Name: Akala
Gender: Female
Parentage: Shakkiz x Dierrev
Birth Eerie: Vivid Aria
Powers: Mage-reading, Aeromancy, Pyromancy, Terramancy, Hydromancy, Shadowmancy, Advanced Senses (Sight/Sound/Smell), Tormented Winds (Movement of her wings instantly summons uncontrolled whips of wind; during Flight these winds fill the spaces where missing feathers would be, but when on the ground, these wind currents perform erratically and dangerous whip around her/her surroundings), Wind Prison (Summons twisting white-tendrils from the ground or air that surround a target and trap them within; the air is steadily sucked out of the cage, suffocating anyone locked inside), Minstrel's Song (Divine; Causes words that are Sung to create "blessings" or "curses"), Immunity to Corruption/Purification Powers, Immunity to Shade Corruption and Influence, Immunity to Damage not from Divine, Demon, or Undead Sources. Rift Gateways (summons Rift Gates that cut through the air, opening tears into a demonic realm where anyone who enters/falls into it is attacked by infernal influences that seek to corrupt the mind and spirit - anyone that remains in this hellscape for longer than five minutes will be turned into a Demon Corrupt), Wind Armaments and Cursial Barrier (Glistening pure-white blades form in the gaps where feathers should be, creating an array of blades that can be used to create Barriers around individuals by having the blades impale the air or ground around a target; the barrier is Divine-level, and only drops/allows entry via the will of Akala), Aggressor Demon Charm (can "charm" Aggressor Demons into doing what she asks/wants them to). Minstrel's Blade (Can fully Manipulate/Move the Crescent Moons that hover around her arms with the power of thought; These energy blades are made of Divine Energy that can cut/damage anything).
Notes: Akala has reached adulthood, and with her, her Eclipse Mutation has also grown. The white tendrils have grown and curved, creating sharp curves around her wings and looped over her tail-tip. The white spikes have also elongated, and she's gained the ability to "pluck" these spikes out of the tendrils, turning them into telekinetically-controlled weapons that she can send flying at targets. When a spike is plucked, it near-instantly regenerates a new one.

She has also grown more into her wings - they aren't too big for her as they were when she was a kit. The top "hooks" of her wings are also more mobile, and she can use them like thumbs to grip objects or surfaces.

Her Moonamis has also evolved as it grew, changing it's physical body to gain colours and traits that visually match her own.


A Cursial Imperial born under the Eclipse, she has been marked by it and has a visible Eclipse Mutation. The mutation is minor at the moment, as it is young like her, and is only visible in the unusual white tendrils that grow from her wings and tail, and the odd build of her wings. She has gaps where flight-feathers should be, and her wings are longer than they should be. If it weren't for the curious winds that roar into existence when she moves her wings it would be likely she'd not be able to fly with them at all.

As she grows, so too will her Eclipse Mutation and power.

Species: Moonamis
Gender: Male
Powers: Fully Sentient, Aura Sight, True Sight, Teleportation (Within Line of Sight), Telepathy-Web (Can create a permanent telepathy connection between itself and other Moonamis it meets; can communicate across worlds/realms/Dimensions), MotE Teleportation (Can teleport itself and bonded to location of other met-MotEs and their Moonamis; can teleport across worlds/realms).
Notes: As a youngling of its species its body has no colour beyond the blue-grey sheen of its skin. They appear to be a caterpillar hybrid creature of some kind.